Thursday, December 10, 2009

Art Basel Miami 2009 - Here and Gone

It's that magical time of year in Miami where for one week the cities of Miami and Miami Beach are overrun with art and art enthusiasts from all over the world. The exhibits, installations, events and after parties go nonstop from December 2nd - 6th. The imagery is inspiring and it's great to meet other artists from all around the world. The swanky event also provides an opportunity to polish off the old three piece suit...

The chatter and drinks are always a blast, but it's really all about the art. Like the 4 years prior, this year was a visual orgasm and I was really taken back by the work of dozen of artists. Here are five that come to mind (4 photographers and 1 painter). I wish I could have walked away with all of them.

Without a doubt my favorite pieces are by Berlin-based painter Franziska Klotz.

"Camper's View" 2009 by Franziska Klotz

"Thrift Store, San Fernando Valley," 2008 by Scott B. Davis

"Father-in-blues / Jimmy "T99" Nelson," 2006 by Don E. Camp

"New Crowd Series" by Misha Gordin
"The Art Lovers" by Rocky Schenck

I've been inspired to create a another video piece of my own utilizing new technology. I'll throw something up on the blog once I get it down on paper and into pre-production. Cheers...

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