Monday, September 14, 2009

"SINNERS" Music Video by Hypernova Premieres on

It's about 1:30 AM EST here in Miami, FL and I psyched to see my music video "Sinners" by Hypernova, debut on 30 minutes ago.

I personally love the description / disclaimer for the video on, "The music video is very intense, and deals with themes of religious intolerance and torture. And while the ten-FPS strobed technique marries perfectly with the subject matter, you cubicle slaves might want to turn the sound down a little and/or wait till the office killjoy hits the coffee machine." - David Hobby

I produced, directed, and DPed this video and it's really great to finally see it completed and released. A special thank you goes out to Cliff Hausner & Ab Sesay of Profoto. Finally, an enormous thank you goes out to everyone involved: the band, the crew, and sponsors. I truly appreciate everyones hard work and time on this project and you all have been incredibly supportive.


Anna Lorentzon said...

great work, congratulations!

Adam Royer said...

Amazing! Great work Richard. Congratulations.