The crew was packed, the equipment was tested and check out from Panavision, and the crafts were purchased, this could only mean one thing... road trip! After consulting with the local film counsel for locations and two days of scouting, our crew headed approximately 250 miles west of Sydney to the barren town of Narrowmine on the western edge of New South Wales, Australia. We wanted a sparse landscape and isolated roads to serve as the backdrop to the "Raw Style" music video. Capturing the video with the Sony F23 was an amazing experience. The camera, despite her 60 lbs fully loaded was very easy to work with and was very comfortable to work with handheld.
Zeiss Digiprimes (7mm, 10mm, 20mm, 40mm all T/1.6) and Fuji 10-100mm T/1.8 were our lenses of choice. Luke and Paul did a great job developing the common the story boards to our narrative that would run throughout the 3 minute video. In the end we had 4 performance pieces, a narrative, and a dead body in the boot of the car all checked off the list.